Working together to help you achieve measurable sustainability

Articles, Carbon Accounting

Did you know Coldplay released the first-known sustainability report for a music tour? Measuring their carbon footprint as a starting point, the report also announced that compared to their 2016-2017 tour, Coldplay had achieved a 47% reduction in carbon emissions. The report is a remarkable example of an environmentally aware business.

We believe every rockstar and business should have the tools to produce credible reports on their carbon footprint.

Rhys Roberts

Here at Viridity, we’ve been following the regulatory changes around climate-related disclosures and non-financial reporting. You may be aware that the Australian Treasury has conducted two rounds of consultation on proposed changes to the way businesses are required to measure and report on their environmental impact. This consultation was in direct response to the watershed release of the global standards for sustainability reporting called the ISSBs. 

In the first quarter of the 2023/24 Financial Year, our team undertook carbon accounting training to ensure that we have the knowledge and skills to support each of our clients in this changing environment. Many industries are proactively implementing carbon accounting requirements for their suppliers now. If this happens to you, don’t bury your head in the sand; we can help you understand, navigate and implement the necessary requirements.

Whether you’re already a net zero hero or simply a climate-curious citizen – we want to be your partner in leaving a positive impact on the planet with credible accounting and reporting.

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